Stay healthy during COVID-19 epidemic
The corona virus is now declared as an epidemic in India. We all need to take care to protect ourselves and contain the spread. We all need to have information on what we can do to not fall prey to the myths and marketing gimmicks. Here are a few handy tips on how we can make an effort to stay healthy.
What should we do to boost our immunity?
Our immunity depends on a lot of factors like our food, sleep, existing health issues etc. Even though there is no quick solution to build immunity, we can all inculcate a few good habits to ensure that we don’t compromise our immunity.
1, Sleep well
Our body produces things that help us strengthen our immunity when we sleep at night. Ensure that you get enough sleep every night.
2. Maintain good hygiene
Imagine our immunity to be an armed force against infections. If you catch an infection from eating food at an unhygienic place or a skin infection from not maintaining personal hygiene well, your force will be busy fighting this infection. Meanwhile, any other infection can get an easy access to attack your immunity. Hence, preventing all kinds of infections helps in maintaining a good immunity against other viruses. Sanitise your hands with soap and water or sanitiser frequently. If you’re using any gadgets like phone, tablet, laptop etc, sanitise those too at regular intervals.
3. Eat healthy
There aren’t any specific foods that build up your immunity. However, consuming a good variety of foods will help you.
4. Include good proteins
If you’re a non-vegetarian, you can eat eggs, chicken, meat, and fish if they’re cooked properly. In case you’re a vegetarian or trying to avoid non-vegetarian foods, include good vegetarian proteins like milk products, dals, beans, soy products etc.
5, Eat fresh fruits and veggies
It is important to get a good amount of vitamins and minerals from fresh produce. Eating vitamin C rich fruits like amla and oranges which are currently available can help build immunity in the longer run.
6. Use spices and herbs regularly
Use traditional spices and herbs like turmeric, ginger, cinnamon etc in your tea and cooked foods every day. They have antioxidants which can help you maintain good health.
7. Stay well hydrated
While we do our bit to ensure all the other things to boost our immunity, do not forget the basics. Temperatures are rising, and you need to drink enough water to maintain good immune function.
8. Supplements that help
If you are deficient on any particular vitamin and advised to take supplements for it, continue to take them as per your doctor’s advice. However, do not start or stop any supplements based on information available online. Check with your paediatrician or physician to know what is required for you.
9 Exercise
A lot of public places like gym and activity classes may be currently shut. However, it is a good idea to get some exercise/activity done at home to keep yourself healthy. You can do anything as simple as yoga at home or some floor exercises that you can do without any equipment at home.
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