| Read time: 5 minute(s)

India’s Wonder Woman Kalpana Chawla

There are a few people in history who are loved and respected unconditionally for generations to come. Kalpana Chawla is one such person. This Indian-American astronaut is a role model for not only the women around the world but all the other people who desire to be an astronaut. She was the first India-born woman […]

| Read time: 6 minute(s)

Parakram Diwas: Let’s celebrate the most enigmatic hero of our country

As India celebrates the 125th birth anniversary of one of the most charismatic leaders of our country, Netaji Subhash Chandra Bose, the government has decided to commemorate this day as Parakram Diwas. From now on every year January 23 would be celebrated as Parakram Diwas to honour Netaji’s “selfless service” to the nation. Let’s know […]

| Read time: 3 minute(s)

These Ice Age drawings are more than 12,000 years old

A mastodon, giant sloths and huge horses… These are not the images from the new Ice Age movie but real drawings found on walls in the Columbian Amazon area.  British and Colombian archaeologists discovered a large display of ancient rock art. The rock art found in the Amazon rainforest carries images of the area’s earliest […]

| Read time: 4 minute(s)

An ancient cat drawing discovered in Peru

We all know cats like to laze around, and purr in warm cozy places. Owners of cats know how eccentric their pet can be but imagine a drawing of a cat which is more than 2,000 years old and is a life size portrait. A massive ancient drawing of a cat has been discovered near […]

| Read time: 4 minute(s)

Gandhi Jayanti Special: Some lesser-known facts about our Bapu

As we celebrate the birth anniversary of the Father of the Nation on October 2, let’s know about some lesser known facts about the Mahatma… Mohandas Karamchand Gandhi was not born with the title Mahatma. He was given the title to him by the Nobel Prize winning Bengali poet Rabindranath Tagore. Gandhi ji and famous […]

| Read time: 2 minute(s)

Fisherman catches statue instead of fish! 

Generally fishermen catch fish in the sea and rivers but this month a Spanish fisherman caught a statue, that too a 700 year old one!  Fisherman Fernando Brey was wading in the Sar River near Santiago de Compostela, Spain. As he fished, he stumbled over a stone. But when he looked more closely, he realized […]

| Read time: 6 minute(s)

Flashback: 80 years of World War II

It’s been 80 years of World War II which started on September 1, 1939, but the hurt and damage is still not forgotten. Even Germany’s President Frank-Walter Steinmeier asked for Poland’s forgiveness 80 years after the start of the War. Let’s take a look at the important dates of this most gruesome event in history.  […]

| Read time: 9 minute(s)

Builders of New India

We all remember our freedom fighters and value theircontributions in the making of this Republic. But what happened after August 15, 1947? When British left a divided India, our country was in nascent stage. We had no parliament, no constitution, no government and actually very little idea how to run a country. But we stood […]

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