| Read time: 3 minute(s)

Two more Earths in the galaxy?

Scientists have discovered two new Earth-like planets around one of the closest stars within our galactic neighbourhood. The planets are located only 12.5 light years away orbiting the Teegarden star — a red dwarf in the direction of the constellation of Aries. Its surface temperature is 2,700 degrees Celsius, and its mass is only one-tenth […]

| Read time: 2 minute(s)

More than 100,000 solar panels to hail Apollo moon landing

Different agencies and organisations are celebrating 50 years anniversary of Apollo 11 moon landing in their own special way, but Google definitely has a way for celebrations. The web company’s Mao team has designed portrait of Apollo program lead software engineer, Margaret Hamilton, using reflective solar panels and the light of the Moon. The portrait […]

| Read time: 4 minute(s)

An army of 400,000 to free the aliens!

A bizarre event is going to take place next month, and more than 400,000 people are keen to attend it. According to a Facebook page called “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us,” a ragtag army of alien hunters will meet up near the top-secret Air Force base in the predawn hours of […]

| Read time: 8 minute(s)

India’s on the Moon!

History has been made… and it’s a great pride for your generation to witness it!  India’s second lunar mission Chandrayaan 2 was launched on July 22, at 2.43 pm from Sriharikota, Andhra Pradesh. Initially, it was supposed to be launched on July 15, but just 56 minutes before the launch few engineers noticed a glitch […]