| Read time: 6 minute(s)

Flashback: 80 years of World War II

It’s been 80 years of World War II which started on September 1, 1939, but the hurt and damage is still not forgotten. Even Germany’s President Frank-Walter Steinmeier asked for Poland’s forgiveness 80 years after the start of the War. Let’s take a look at the important dates of this most gruesome event in history.  […]

| Read time: 4 minute(s)

Donald Trump wants to buy Greenland!

Last week, the United States President Donald Trump had a rather wacky proposition. He offered to buy Greenland, the largest island on earth.  Greenland is an autonomous Danish territory. It has home rule, but defence and foreign affairs remain under Danish governance. The island also receives an annual subsidy of about $500 million from Denmark. […]

| Read time: 5 minute(s)

Why is the US scared of Huawei?

Communication technology is a prized possession and no country wants to lag behind in this field. A Chinese telecom company has become a threat to other superpowers who want to win in this game. What’s HuaweiHuawei (pronounced as Wah-Way) is China’s largest information technology and telecom network company and one of the largest in the […]

| Read time: 5 minute(s)

The walls around us!

Walls are everywhere. They make our houses stand straight, they save us from the truant weather and don’t you love hiding behind a wall in the game of hide-and-seek? But walls are not just limited to our society compounds and school buildings.  Donald Trump had announced to build a wall between the US and Mexican […]

| Read time: 4 minute(s)

An army of 400,000 to free the aliens!

A bizarre event is going to take place next month, and more than 400,000 people are keen to attend it. According to a Facebook page called “Storm Area 51, They Can’t Stop All of Us,” a ragtag army of alien hunters will meet up near the top-secret Air Force base in the predawn hours of […]