| Read time: 3 minute(s)

Williams sisters not just play it right but also have a keen eye for art

Serena Williams is considered as one of the best tennis players in the world and has shown us that with her dedication and focus, we can cultivate our strength to channel it in the right direction. Other than being an iconic sportswoman, Williams also has a fascination for collecting Art. In her palatial Miami home, […]

| Read time: 2 minute(s)

Super salty lake on Mars!

The question whether there’s water on Mars is getting trickier by the day. And as if we’re not excited enough to know about the development of bacterial life on Venus, there are speculations that Mars may after all have water. A recent research indicates that there really is a buried reservoir of super salty water […]

| Read time: 3 minute(s)

‘Recently active’ volcanoes on Venus!

Our Venus may not be so calm after all. Scientists have identified 37 volcanic structures on Venus that appear to be recently active – and probably still are today – painting the picture of a geologically dynamic planet and not a dormant world as long thought. The research focused on ring-like structures called coronae, caused […]

| Read time: 2 minute(s)

There are active volcanoes on Venus! 

If there’s lava then there’s an active volcano. New research suggests that the Earth’s sister planet Venus has active volcanoes.  The study shows that lava flows on Venus may be only a few years old, suggesting that Venus could be volcanically active today, making it the only planet in our solar system, other than Earth, […]